Patients Come First

We are here to render caring, quality dental care, promptly and professionally in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. We put the patient first in all we do. We aspire to constantly maintain high standards of excellence and patient satisfaction. We provide a variety of dental services to meet your oral healthcare needs.

Preventative Care

Preventative CareWith over 40 years of collective experience, Dr. Bert and Dr. David have the knowledge, training, and skill to fix any smile.

A preventative program is a cooperative effort by the patient and dentist. Preventing dental disease starts at home with good oral hygiene and a balanced diet. It is continued in the dental office by the efforts of your dentist and dental hygienist to promote, restore and maintain your oral health. Prevention also includes: regular dental exams, X-rays, cleanings, space maintainers, and orthodontic screening. Sealants and fluoride are also great preventive tools that help protect your teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry

13972668_sA clean, healthy smile helps make a wonderful first impression..

Unfortunately, a wide array of factors can chip, stain or injure your teeth, turning that winning smile into a source of embarrassment and self-consciousness. Our practice offers dental services and procedures such as the latest in teeth whitening, porcelain crowns and veneers that can transform your smile and give you instant results.

Removable Prosthodontics

Removable ProsthodonticsWhether you need a full or partial prosthodontic, we can meet your needs on-site.

A denture is a removable dental appliance replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue. There are two types of dentures: complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing and partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. They are made to closely resemble your natural teeth and may even enhance your smile. Both of these are offered at our dental office.

Oral Surgery

Oral SurgeryDr. Bert and Dr. David are able to provide minor surgical procedures to restore your healthy smile.

When necessary Dr. Bert or Dr. David may recommend that a tooth or teeth be extracted. If this is the case, the staff is well trained in minor dental surgical procedures. In order to ensure our patients receive the best care possible it may be necessary to refer you to an oral surgeon. The practice is fully committed to our patients and will make sure our mission is fulfilled in providing honest and ethical care to each and every patient.

Restorative Dentistry

12759384_sWe will give you the knowledge you need to choose the best options for your ongoing oral health.

Restorative dentistry refers to the restoration of natural teeth that have been damaged, decayed or lost. Our proactive preventative care and diagnostic services help prevent the future need for tooth restoration, however, sometimes restorations are necessary. We provide the restorative services with the purpose of restoring function and health back to your smile.